Hard Root Checker

       Rooting an Android smartphone is a great thing.
After the root operation we gain access to many new features and hidden system options.

But how do you check if your phone has been rooted?
Well we are trying to meet your expectation. The Hard Root Checker App  just for you. If you want to check if the root process was performed correctly on your smartphone, we recommend you to use the Hard Root Checker.

It  is also recommended to use this app when you are buying second hand phone because the root access may end your warranty. The Hard Root Checker is available for free in the Play Store. After installing, by one tapping you can check your root status.

You can download app right here: Click here

The Hard Root Checker is based on the two main parts:

1. Root – on that page you can check if root commands can be properly executed. Furthermore you can check you binaries locations and check supersuser apps.
2. Busybox – this section allows you to check if the busybox is installed. If it is, you can check the binaries location and check busybox commands.


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