Right Brain Users = Brains of people commonly called Bejo.

       In one TV ad, we've heard the phrase "Smart people lose the same person Bejo".
"Bejo" people can we interpret as a lucky person. 
So the sentence means "Smart people lose as a lucky guy". Is that true????Certainly true!! 
Smart as any of us but only if no luck at our cleverness was in vain. 
But if luck was just a fortuitous event???
But Does luck have been written by destiny???Perhaps there are some of us who answer yes!!
But I'm sure there are also who answered!! 
Although only a few people, including me. 
And if some people say no it means it may not!!
And here I would make a theory to answer that luck was not just a coincidence, but good luck everyone it can create in his life, as long as a person is able to understand the function of the right brain and dominate it them into his way of thinking.

Understanding Human Right and Left Brain.

       What is a right brain??
The right brain is the human brain and the right side of the head often we overlook the functions of the right hemisphere. 
       But I guess I have noticed is reasonable because there is rarely educational institutions or schools that teach the importance of our right brain function. Even if there is sometimes only in college or university course. And sometimes in the University was just there or in the course taught in the Department of Psychology. 
       And if we know the function of the right brain, I'm sure everyone will be using the right brain as patterns of thought. Mindset or way of working of the brain opposite the right mindset or the way the brain works left. 
       If the mindset of the left brain or the workings of a more rational and realistic to analyze or account for any reason, then mindset or the way the brain works right irrational and unrealistic. The right brain is more like imagination, like art, play, and others. under these different patterns or ways of working think right brain and left brain of man;
Differences The Left Brain and Right Brain of Man.

Left Brain:

Right motor
planned, causal
Rationally related to EQ
Realistically, analytics
quantitative, arithmetic
Verbal, explicit
cognitive, logical
Serial, linear
Segmental, focus
Planned, causal
Intra personal, self-centric

Right Brain:

left motor
unplanned, impulsive
qualitative, specials
related emotional, EQ
imaginative, artistic
active, intuatif
holistic, diffuse
visual, implicit
parallel, lateral
interpersonal, other centric

Right brain and Left brain.
The workings of the right brain and left-brain man.
       The workings of the human head on the left brain is more rational and realistic to analyze or account for something. Examples such as when you want to start or build a business. If a person is more dominant in the direction of the left brain in building a business will be figured into the equation first, taken into account the pros and cons, and if perceived greater benefits will be executed, but if feels thin profits or even not at all they usually will immediately stop.
       In contrast to the workings of the right brain is more concerned to move, more interested in acting, and more interested in Go Action!. 
If you do not know where we tried!!, That's the way people are thinking more right brain dominant.

The Importance of Right Brain Functions.

       If we look at the case studies above, then right-brain functions better should we apply to our lives. It was for the sake of our lives kesuksessan or success. Because if we are too old to think, then we will forget to act, but in life we ​​should always live (moving). Albert Einstein such wise words, words more or less this way: "Life is like riding a bicycle. To stay balanced, you have to keep moving!!"
Albert Einstein was a great scientist and teacher, he taught his knowledge through his wise words, and formulas of life. If we look at what is delivered by Albert Einstein in the above, then it implies that he said that; Life it must be to the right brain dominant (Move).

Right brain is more dominant then maybe people called  "Bejo".

       Be working in, the more dominant person to the right brain would prefer to move faster than thought, as an example of a child who wants to tell us shopping in the market. A child who is more dominant to the left brain would normally think to think first, and sometimes his mind would be crap everywhere, such as fear or embarrassment if there is a friend or a girlfriend who saw him. And eventually he will think again, but this time it was thought to look for the right reasons to reject the orders. If socialized like this, then most likely the child will be a slacker.
       Unlike the child who is more dominant way of thinking into his right brain. He never thought of it that has not been happening. Once told he would go straight.Where do you think the child is better????In studying something, the more dominant person to the right brain will also be more responsive, fast absorbing, and quickly mastered.       As a case study is learning to ride a motorcycle or a car ride. If we teach a child on a motorcycle and then we explain the function of the clutch, the function of the teeth, the engine functions, and other functions, if not here then it would be like this, if not here then it will fall. 
       It was not made to be quickly mastered the child, but to confuse and frighten the child. In contrast, if we practice directly onto the highway. 
       Without we explain in detail the function of the clutch, when he tried it he will know his own! 
Oh coupling it to be like this, oh when was this gas and the clutch is not the way this hour, and other Oh-Oh.According to you which one is better????       In taking the decision, the more people will be left brain dominant for a long time to decide, and vice versa with people who are more right brain dominant to that which is more concerned with Go Action! 
Like the example I mentioned above in writing or in starting a business.If the business start-counted diitung continue, maybe ten years into the future can only be built the business. But if we are more willing to try it yet, maybe next week can directly open the business or the business.According to you which one is better???       From this we can conclude that: Effect of thinking left brain is dominant to the slow, timid, shy, not confident, not responsive, lazy, and others. And the effect of thinking more right brain dominant to the fast moving, responsive, trusting yourself, brave, industrious, and others.According to you which one is better???       Above I always ask which one is better in your opinion??? 
people are right brain dominant or left brain dominant person???
If you are successful entrepreneurs who are looking for workers power, which one would you choose???? 
If you want to have friends, where you want to be friends???That's why people are right brain dominant to be a person who called "Bejo" (lucky), because all those people who would like to move fast, responsive, confident, brave, industrious, and others.And to become the dominant right brain was not a fate that has been written, but we ourselves decide, is to learn, understand, and practice.


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