The problems on the monitor

a) Monitor will not turn on Cause : At the time of booting the computer, which contained the power button has been pressed on the monitor but the monitor remains dark and not light.
Solution : Make sure that the power switch in the ON state. If the indicator light is not lit, refer to either the monitor power cable to the outlet or listrik.Pastikan that the installation is correct. If it does not turn on, replace it with another power cord. If the indicator light on the monitor is on and orange or blinking, check the video cable connecting the monitor to the CPU if it is installed properly and is properly installed benar.Pastikan. If the above checks are still not resolved the problem means there is a problem on CRT video signal adapter board.
b) Monitor went dark while loading windows
Cause : Another problem that can arise is the monitor went black when loading windows. Most likely due to the monitor driver setup is not right. What often happens is that the screen display setting is ON, setting the frequency is too high.

Solution :Boot windows in safe mode state by pressing F8 when the computer is loading windows. Reinstall the VGA card driver. After that select the appropriate type of monitor that will determine the maximum frequency that is displayed by windows.
c) The size of the display is not in accordance with the wishes
Cause: Another problem that can occur in the size of the display monitor is not in accordance with the wishes. There are fonts, icons, menus and all the display on the monitor that is too big or too small. The foregoing relates to the resolution of the monitor may be too high or too low according to user preferences. To change it, get through display properties.

Solution: Do a right click anywhere on the desktop. Then you will see several menu and choose Properties. Dialog box will appear properties.Kemudian choose the Settings tab. Change the resolution in accordance with the desire to increase or decrease the existing value in the Screen Area box, then click OK. In setting the resolution, which must be considered is the compatibility of resolutions supported by the VGA card and monitor you have. Selection of resolution supported by the VGA card, but not supported by the monitor which would have caused the monitor does not display images perfectly.

d) The display on the monitor appear blurry
Cause: Another problem is the display on the monitor appear blurry and the color contrast could not be set to maximum. It was quite disturbing though computers generally worked well and not many distractions. This problem often occurs on the monitor above the age of three years.

Solution: To overcome these problems, because it deals with the electronic components inside the monitor so it is better if you have to consult directly with experts. For it is necessary to analyze causes of problems. Monitor the use of the old will experience a shift in the natural color of a bluish, reddish, yellowish, or greenish. When the setting number appears unnatural colors most likely source of the problem is the video driver circuitry inside the monitor. This driver circuit has three primary color channels of red, blue, and the test hijau.Untuk do using osciloscope. Images on the screen looked haggard with contrasting colors that can not be set to maximum. The problem is caused by the phosphor on the cathode tube, which serves to emit luminescence with color shots of high-energy electron beam. To overcome this can be done simply by replacing the cathode tube monitor. If the monitor that changed colors when the monitor is turned on itself in the long term, most likely due to the video amplifier circuit. To fix it should open the case, then tighten the connection between board video amplifier with raster board.
e) Monitor like a flash when used

Cause: At the time the computer is being actively used, monitor frequent blinking. The first possibility is due to the frequency of the image on the screen is too low. This can happen because there is a problem with the refresh rate settings on the computer. Refresh rate is the maximum ability to do the monitor to display frames in one second.

Solution: Setting the appropriate refresh rate will give comfort to the eye that use it. The monitor has a refresh rate that will make the monitor such as a small moving and unstable. To set the refresh rate, use the Display menu Porperties as shown above. On the Settings tab, click the Advanced button will appear as shown below 17. And select the Monitor tab. The tab will be displayed on a refresh rate of the desired option. Try some refresh rate to get the best option for the monitor.
f) bluish patches on the corner of the monitor
Cause: This problem is often caused by the presence of magnetic fields generated by some electronic devices.
Solution: To try to eliminate the use features that exist on the menu degaussing the monitor controls. Or by using a magnet brought near in the corners of the monitor so that the color returned to normal.


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